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The University of Georgia

Practicum Seminar Syllabus

Fall 2016


Dr. Rebecca Atkins, Dr. Alison Farley, Dr. Skip Taylor 

Faculty Supervisors


Dory Musselwhite, Damon Postle, Jared Register, Ashley Wilson

Teaching Assistants




What is a Music Practicum?

Practicum is designed to give students supervised, hands-on, application of music teaching methods and materials to help better prepare them for employment as a music educator. 



Seminar Objectives:

To recognize, implement, and design strategies for:


Fostering a positive inclusive classroom climate

Building routines and organized procedures

Building a concise, effective vocabulary for instruction

Disciplining students positively and successfully 

Effective formative, summative, and self assessments

Preparing for a successful interview: Questions, Resumes, Supplemental Materials




Practicum Guidelines:

Once approved by the College of Education and School of Music, students will spend a specific amount of time each week working with a cooperative teacher in secondary music education. Treat this position as you would your own future job, remembering that there would be consequences for being late, unprofessional, or disrespectful to the school's faculty, staff, or property. 

1. If, for any reason, you must be absent from your school, both your cooperating teacher and TA must be notified.

2. All visits that are missed MUST be made up.

3. Students will be expected to maintain professionalism at all times. This includes all forms of conversation (email, phone, face-to-face), classroom behavior, and dress.

4. You should not be left in charge of the classroom unless the cooperating teacher is present. If there is a substitute present, it is illegal for you to be in the room. 

5. Be prepared for your college supervisor’s visit. Supply the observation form; music (if applicable); your finalized lesson plan; and a suitable place for the supervisor to sit and write as he/she observes. Plan the visit so that there is time to talk with your supervisor after the lesson. *You should submit all lesson plans to your TA 48 hours before your official visits.




Any excused absences will only be approved for emergency situations with appropriate documentation—either a signed medical excuse from a doctor or hardship documentation from the Office of Student Support Services. As with any professional obligation in life, your timely communication regarding these matters is a basic expectation. 


This portion of the class accounts for 15% of your Secondary Methods final grade. How is that grade calculated:

*All lesson plans and observation reflections must be submitted by 5 pm of 12/5/16

* The Evaluation forms from the Cooperating Teacher must be submitted to the college

supervisor (TA) no later than 5 pm on 12/5/16.

*Attendance: your final grade will be reduced by 10% per missed visit that is not made up.




Guide to Practicum Communication


The practicum experience is where you make the jump from being a student to being a professional. As such, your communication should reflect your professionalism. Many of the problems students encounter in their practicum experience are the result of poor communication.


Email is a fantastic way to communicate because of the speed and efficiency with which communication can take place. However, it can ruin many a professional career because it 1) is a permanent record that can be easily passed around 2) does not communicate politeness and gratitude well 3) can be easily misread.


Example of a Good Communication


Email 1: (Note: Short and concise, to the point, polite)


Dear Mrs. Director:

I have been assigned to your supervision for my practicum experience this semester. I am excited to begin this Practicum experience and I wanted to get a start preparing for my visits with your class.

Could you please tell me which method book you use?

Thank you so much for your time and your willingness to assist me in my field experience. I am looking forward to it!


Jane Doe


Reply from Director:

I am happy to help. We use the Band is Fun book. I look forward to you coming!

Reply from Jane (Get the last polite word in):

Mrs. Band Director:

Thank you so much! I will see you next Monday at 12pm.


Jane Doe






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